it's never over
Forgive me sister, for I have tried. It's 2017, we have access to information of the entire world, we can travel and we get to know different cultures. We have television, Netflix, internet, we can learn pretty much whatever the fuck we chose to learn. We can listen to music from all the places, from all times. We can read novels written 200 years ago or just last week. We know poetry and history, cience has evolved to the point that we can create life and perform miracles everyday. But we still don't know what to do when we fall for someone and they don't fall back in love with us. So I have tried. Forgive me, lover, for I was lost. And I am losing all hope that never existed, but my stubborness made me belive it was there. Forgive me, friend, for I was born in mid April. There's nothing I can do. But I needed to know I tried, I told you, I poured myself completely in front of you. I know for sure that the person you don't love is me. There's nothing I can do. My hope is a phantom disappearing into oblivion, my heart is broken and shall be drawning in all sorts of drugs. You're not easy to get over. But I'll get over you. I mean it. For real now.
And yet.
What if?